Following the tragic earthquake in Nepal, Landmarc has joined forces with ESS Support Services (ESS) and the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) to support a traditional Gurkha curry lunch at West Tofts Camp in Thetford, Norfolk, raising over £430 for the appeal.

Nepalise chefs Dal Rai and Krishna Gurung cooked up the curry, whilst Dal’s wife Bhim wore national dress to welcome around 50 guests from Landmarc, ESS and DIO, who all donated generously in exchange for the delicious food.

Dal commented, “After hearing that our families in Nepal are thankfully all well, we were really happy when Tony Ashworth, our Hub Manager, suggested holding an event to raise funds for the appeal. It was a real team effort and our thanks go to everyone across the Ministry of Defence (MOD) training estate who supported us.”

Tony Ashworth said, “Seeing the plight of those in Nepal and having first-hand knowledge, through staff members, of the crisis being faced out there, the event was the least we could do to raise funds and everyone on site was more than happy to pitch in.”

As well as the funds that were raised, the appeal has also resulted in donations of clothes and blankets, which are also desperately needed.

The money raised is being sent to the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) to purchase the most essential items to aid the relief effort.

If you’d like to make a donation to the Nepal Earthquake Appeal, please visit the DEC website at

Nepal Earthquake Appeal