Economic sustainability
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Landmarc helps support economic sustainability and local investment
Our work to support the UK Defence Training Estate is broad and diverse – as are the range of stakeholders that are impacted by our operations. This includes the Armed Forces that train with us, the SMEs, social enterprises and larger corporate organisations that make up our supply chain and the local communities that live and work on the Defence Training Estate.
Our aim is to redress the rural balance. We want to offer meaningful and rewarding career progression for local employees, and support the economic sustainability of the communities in which we work. We aim to achieve this in a few ways:

We are a corporate member of Social Enterprise UK (SEUK) and support wider government initiatives as well as connecting our activities to the local community. Around 70% of our supply chain is with SMEs.

Rural businesses must work hard to retain employment in their area and support economic sustainability. Our recruitment and procurement initiatives are designed to keep local investment buoyant in the community, employing local, skilled people wherever we can.

Investment in training allows us to create greater career potential for our team through life-long learning. As a national employer, we take full advantage of the Government’s Apprenticeship Levy to develop and upskill our people.

We are committed to ethical and sustainable procurement and the sustainability of products and solutions offered by potential suppliers are a key part of the selection process.