Tracey Prince, Team Administrator at Nesscliff in Wales, has worked for Landmarc since 2017 and has been described as a ‘one off gem’ by her Regional Operations Manager, Mark Griffiths. Tracey is the only female permanent member of staff on camp and puts her success down to her customer service skills. 

“I started work with Landmarc in 2017 after successfully interviewing for the Team Administrator role and in all honesty I can say it’s the best decision I have ever made regarding a job. I love it and these last two years have flown by.

“The job is a really diverse role. In the morning I can be plotting bed spaces for Explosive Ordnance Demolition units (EOD) or a Summer Cadet Camp, placing an order for cleaning supplies, fielding training availability questions on the phone and then in the afternoon I can be arranging a meet and greet for the Training Safety Officer with an old soldier and his family who are on a nostalgia trip. These are the times that make my day, meeting these people, hearing their stories and seeing the look on their faces as they reminisce is quite touching.


We don’t have problems in my little world, only hiccups and solutions

“I like to think that customer service is my calling in life. The customer is always right. The trick is to have them leave believing the solution offered to a perceived problem was their idea in the first place.  We don’t have problems in my little world, only hiccups and a solution.

“Welcoming units who are attending training has to feature in the top three things I love most about my job. I love meeting people and as anyone will tell you I can talk for England! From start to finish, every day is different, which can be challenging but also keeps things interesting. For example, we have recently entertained Crucial Crew, a Shropshire based children’s charity, which uses Nesscliff every year. Having more than 1,400 young children on the premises brings its own challenges but this is the one event every year the staff look forward to hosting as it is such a rewarding experience.

“The guys I work with here at Nesscliff generally have a positive outlook but, if one of them comes in a bit down, the others will soon pick them up – these guys have been a good team for the past few years and get along inside and outside the work gates. It’s definitely the staff who make a workplace tick over, isn’t everything better when you work with good people?

Having a supportive employer like Landmarc is vital

“Working for Landmarc has been so far, so good!  It’s a great working environment, who doesn’t love the rural aspect of this job? Looking out and seeing all the wildlife and wide open spaces – what’s not to love?

“We all spend a lot of hours at work and we expect a lot from our working life, so having a supportive employer like Landmarc is vital.  For some people it’s only a job, you come in, you do your work, you go home and do it all again the next day. But, for myself, I enjoy the work life balance I have managed to strike here and a large contributor to that is the company and my Team Manager.

“I enjoy my job, I enjoy coming in everyday and facing new challenges, I enjoy spending time with the people I work with and for. I look forward to each new day to see what it brings me.

“If someone asked me if I made the right decision to come work for Landmarc Support Services my answer would be a very loud resounding, ‘Yes absolutely’.

A buzz of employee motivation

“There is a buzz of employee motivation at Nesscliff. I like the way I am encouraged to be proactive. When I was asked to get involved with the Employee Engagement Forum and later to be a part of the Talent Working Group, I jumped at the chance. The staff notice board in the main office at Nesscliff is my pride and joy. I like to stick motivational quotes up there to keep the guys interested and my current favourite is the one that says ‘TODAY’S THE DAY FOR SMILING’.

Fantastic collaboration with DIO

“Here at Nesscliff, Landmarc has a fantastic collaborative working relationship with DIO and I would like to think the same can be said for my own working relationship with both Training Safety Officer Major (Ret’d) Richard Slaney, AKA Rich, and Deputy Training Safety Officer Sgt (Ret’d) Antony McCarten, AKA Mac, who is himself a previous Landmarc employee.

“With our new kitchen in progress and due for occupation early 2020, there is a lot going on at Nesscliff and I’m grateful to be a part of this and look forward to the future. It’s going to be epic!”

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